With Terpel Voltex, the town of Melgar inaugurates a charging station for electric vehicles

24 Aug, 2021

  • Terpel Voltex has arrived in Melgar with a charging station for electric vehicles.
  • With this new charging point, the company moves toward its goal of leading the transition toward more sustainable mobility, expanding coverage for the network of charging points, and facilitating the mobility of its EV users.
  • The Melgar Terpel Voltex station is in addition to the Bascula station in Bogota, Montecristo in Puerto Salgar, and Garota in Guarne, all serving the highway between Bogota and Medellin.

With the goal of making it possible for EV users to travel the country's highways, Terpel Voltex inaugurated the first electric charging station in Melgar.

This new station helps the company meet its goal of making 20 to 30 new charging stations available to Colombians during the year 2021, serving the country’s main cities and highways. This will interconnect cities such as Bogota, Medellin, and Cali, among others, and increment quick charge options with a network of stations that will accelerate the transition toward a more sustainable mobility.

“So far, the owners of EVs have been limited to short trips inside of cities, because there weren’t any charging points on the country's highways. With this new station, and the others we hope to open this year, we want Colombians to be able to travel in their electric vehicles on main roads everywhere in the country," stated Juan Daniel Rueda, New Mobility Manager at Terpel.

Terpel's Melgar Voltex station is in addition to the Bascula station in Bogota, Montecristo in Puerto Salgar, and Garota in Guarne that, since the beginning of this year, have made it possible to make trips between Bogota and Medellin in EVs.

From 2019 until August 2021, Terpel charged 615 electric vehicles. The company has ongoing plans to open new charging stations equipped with high-quality equipment, so it can continue to offer memorable experiences to all its consumers.

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