Terpel uses solar panels to move forward with its plan for self-generation and emissions reduction

21 Jul, 2021

  • The project will allow the company to produce, each year, 34.2 fewer tons of carbon dioxide [1].
  • This latest set of solar panels is the company’s 11th installed to reduce the operation's energy consumption.
  • By year end, the organization expects to build additional solar installations at 4 plants located in Barranquilla, Cartagena and Santa Marta.

Terpel announced the inauguration of a new self-generation project with the installation of 251 solar panels to provide electricity for the La Vallenata service station in Valledupar. This initiative is developed in the framework of the organization's plan to promote initiatives to use alternative energy sources in its operations, generate close to 1.5 GWh per year of solar energy from five different projects, and reduce emissions.

With the 251 panels at La Vallenata, the company self-generates close to 17,200 kWh each month. That totals 206,000 kWh per year, equivalent to the power consumed by 391 homes over the course of 12 months. [2] With this, it can provide close to 53% of the electricity required by the station for its operations.

By generating those 206,000 kWh each year at La Vallenata, Terpel emits around 26.4 fewer tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere yearly, equivalent to the amount of CO2 absorbed by 436 trees in a year. [3]

“As a Country Partner, we are proud to take this new step toward replacing part of the power used by our operation by making use of alternative power sources that are friendlier toward the environment. This is on top of our efforts in the area of energy efficiency at our work centers, which has enabled us to further reduce emissions," explained Oscar Bravo, President of Organización Terpel.

The self-generation project is the 11th solar installation by the company as part of its plan to replace conventional power sources with friendlier sources in a percentage that will have a significant impact on the environment. In total, with this group of solar panel installations, each year the company generates around 1.5 GWh, reducing annual emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere by 249 tons.

“The installation of the 251 solar panels in La Vallenata is part of the plan underway since 2018 to increase the self-generation of renewable energy. Up until now, the solar installation at our Mulalo plant was the largest, generating 12,000 kWh every month. But with the installation of this new solar plant, the La Vallenata service station has become the largest self-generation point, motivating us to continue developing the projects we have planned for the coming months," indicated Alfonso Ibarra, manager of Terpel Energía, subsidiary of Terpel.

This year, the company plans to set up solar panels at four additional plants that will contribute approximately 838 kWh of installed capacity. With this and the other 11 installations, the organization will be able to generate 2.6 GWh per year.

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