Terpel recognized again in the Merco business ranking as the private fuel distribution company with the best reputation

20 Oct, 2021

  • In his first year as President, Oscar Bravo ranked 56 on the Merco Leaders 2021 list, placing him among the best leaders in the country.
  • Terpel continued to hold its position for a second year as the first private company in the hydrocarbons distribution segment to enter this ranking of companies with the best reputation.

The most recent publication of the Business Monitor for Corporate Reputation (Merco for the initials in Spanish) recognized Organización Terpel as the private company with the best reputation in the oil and hydrocarbons distribution sector. Terpel was ranked 25 in the business ranking, moving up 7 positions over last year.

Oscar Bravo, the company's new president, was also ranked as one of the country's leaders with the best reputation. In his first 10 months as president, Bravo was ranked 56th in this year's results, claiming a place among this select group of businesspeople.

“This recognition reflects the hard work and dedication of all of Terpel's team members to create memorable experiences for the country and offer products of the highest quality. We are immensely grateful and proud that our work is recognized by this ranking of international renown," stated Oscar Bravo.

These results demonstrate Terpel's commitment to strategies that can satisfy the needs of our different stakeholders and contribute to growth and progress in Colombia.

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