Terpel publishes its 10th sustainability report

27 Jun, 2019

  • During 2018, the company had sales of $19.1 trillion pesos, EBITDA of $740,930 million, and net earnings of $133,741 million.
  • The operations of Organización Terpel in Colombia closed out the year 2018 with 1,403 direct employees and more than 8,000 indirect employees, 1,930 service stations, 31 supply plants, and more than 100 points of sale for complementary services.
  • More than 1 million people have benefited from the programs of the Terpel Foundation, which works to improve the quality of education.


Organización Terpel presented the main figures from its 2018 Sustainability Report, highlighting its $19.1 trillion pesos in sales last year, and the consolidation of a network of 1,927 service stations, giving it a 43.3% market share.

The report focused on the main economic, social, and environmental results of the company's operations in the last year.

“We have been publishing this report for 10 years on our economic, social, and environmental performance, sharing with our stakeholders the progress made by our operation, the transformations made to the business, and our philosophy of work. In 2018 our excellent performance allowed us to continue leading the category, to be Country Partners, and to offer differential services to the more than 2 million Colombians that visit us daily, giving them memorable experiences at our service stations," indicated Sylvia Escovar, President of Terpel.

In terms of financial figures, the organization's sales totaled $19.1 trillion pesos. Its EBITDA was $740,930 million, its net earnings totaled $133,741 million, and it saw its largest growth in the last five years in its market share for the sale of liquid fuels (1,416 million gallons sold), with a 1.2% increase over those same sales in 2017. It generated a total of $18.8 million in economic value distributed (EVD), of which $17.4 trillion was for payments to suppliers, $281,682 million for employee salaries and benefits, and $5,911.80 million for investments in communities.

In the area of the environment, Terpel launched a plan to reduce the generation of CO2 by its plants and service stations by using solar panels. Those panels will generate 597,600 kWh per year, equivalent to 63.9 fewer tons of CO2. It also inaugurated the first Training Center for service station promoters and operators in Bogota, with the purpose of identifying risks in the operation and their controls, and making sure personnel have the right skills and employ best practices. It is based on seven practical modules in a simulated learning arena in which 319 people have been trained.

In 2018, the company's social programs benefited 322,065 people in 27 Departments of the country, through the Terpel Foundation. Its Restoring Dreams program seeks to help build long-lasting peace. The company provided job opportunities for 208 people from the programs of the Reincorporation and Normalization Agency (ARN) and the Victims Unit. It also supported the work of the Colombian Air Patrol by donating more than 18,000 gallons of fuel to mobilize nine surgical brigades and two medical brigades in seven Departments of the country, benefiting 7,500 people and making 1,000 surgeries possible in remote areas.

Continued growth for the network and the products offered Colombians

Terpel's service station network continues to grow. There are now a total of 1,685 affiliated service stations and 242 Terpel-owned stations, representing a 43.3% share of the fuel market (premium, regular, and diesel). The company's differentiating factor is offering a broad portfolio of products and services to consumers, with the purpose of creating memorable experiences for each user.

Based on that purpose of creating memorable experiences, the differential services offered by the company have increased, and have now reached more than 150 points of sale. They include 45 motorcycle pump islands, 57 Altoque stores, 50 Deuna kiosks, 13 Ziclos carwashes, and 8 lubrication centers, including 3 Lubriplus and 5 MasterLub.

In the lubricants market, since the integration with ExxonMobil, the company has seen the best results in the business, with total sales of 19.8 million gallons, a 105% growth in sales, and a 48% market share.


Terpel Foundation celebrates 15 years

Since 2004, the Foundation has been working to improve the quality of education in the country, spearheading a positive transformation of students' realities and environments in the most vulnerable areas of the nation's 32 Departments. This has produced benefits for more than 1 million people: 974,128 students, 28,140 teachers and principals, and 4,231 parents at more than 1,800 schools. During these years, the Foundation has become a benchmark in this area through its programs Adventures in Letters, My Future Now, Schools that Learn, Design for Change, and The Leader in Me. These programs empower the education children receive in different regions of the country, helping them develop basic skills in leadership, mathematics, and language.

In the year 2018, nation-wide, the Foundation benefited more than 310,000 students, 6,843 teachers and principals, and 1,369 parents. The Schools that Learn® program strengthened academic, teaching, and community aspects at 49 schools. It had a positive impact on the children's competencies in mathematics and language, areas of knowledge that help improve their logical thinking and communication skills. And through the Leader in Me® program, the Foundation brought benefits to more than 120,000 people at 72 schools by teaching students and teachers the skills and abilities they need to become leaders at school, at home, and in the community.

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