Terpel launches GT Extra 98, the country’s first top quality, super premium gasoline

27 Jul, 2021

  • Starting today, drivers in and near Medellin and Bogota can fill their tanks with a premium gasoline that will maximize vehicle performance and power, reduce emissions, and improve mileage.
  • This product is now available at more than 180 Terpel service stations in the country's capital, and in Medellin and its metropolitan area.

Organización Terpel launched its GT Extra 98 gasoline, the fuel with the highest octane content in the country. The product was pre-launched first in the region of Antioquia in April.

Starting today, product will be available at 180 service stations located in Cundinamarca, Meta, Antioquia, Boyaca and Bogota. In the weeks to come, Terpel will distribute its premium 98 octane fuel in the rest of the country.

The blue color, special benefits, and new formula of GT Extra 98 make it a unique and original product. It is the result of a two-year process of development and innovation in laboratories in England and Colombia.

This milestone marks a new era in the fuel market, moving from offering fuel with octane numbers from 91 to 95, to this new 98 octane gasoline. It makes Colombia one of the few countries with a super premium fuel, joining the United States, Chile, and several nations in Europe.

For vehicle owners, access to this fuel means better performance for their engines, increased power of up to 3.4%, and improvements in mileage of up to 3.9%.

The benefits for the environment of GT Extra 98 are significant. The fuel considerably reduces unburned hydrocarbons, in some cases up to 80%, while carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions could be reduced by up to 15% and 3.7%, respectively.

In addition, a premium fuel can provide a boost to the country's industry by creating better conditions for the development and growth of the nation's fleet of vehicles. This is a fuel for all types of vehicles, especially for high-compression engines.

Learn more at:https://www.terpelgt98.com/

  • 1. Measured in RON (Research Octane Number).
  • 2. Results obtained from tests performed in the dynamic test laboratory at the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira under the International Driving Cycle (WLTC), with cars with proper maintenance and optimum driving and vehicle conditions. Torque and power tests were performed in alliance with IDEA.

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