Oscar Bravo assumes presidency of Organización Terpel

13 Jan, 2022

  • As of January 1, Oscar Bravo is the new president of Organización Terpel, after serving as the Vice President of Finances and being part of the company for more than 15 years.
  • Bravo will focus on positioning and consolidating the company in new mobility and leveraging Terpel's digital transformation.
  • This announcement comes days after Sylvia Escovar left the presidency of Terpel.

As of January 1, Oscar Bravo has assumed his duties as the new president of Organización Terpel, leading the company's operations in Colombia, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Peru, and Ecuador.

Bravo comes to this position after a 15-year career with the company, during which time he has served as the Vice President of Finances and has had a key role in company milestones such as its international expansion into Ecuador and Panama; the issuance of US$ 700 million on the Colombian Stock Exchange; and the financing of the acquisition of Exxon Mobil Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.

Terpel's new president earned a degree in industrial engineering from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, a master's degree in international management from the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, and participated in the General Management Program (GMP) at Harvard University. Prior to joining the organization, he served as the Global Planning Finance Manager for Rohm and Haas.

“I take on this new challenge as an honor and with the responsibility implied by leading one of the most important companies in Colombia. Our purpose, for more than 50 years, has been to serve Colombians and to keep the country on the move, even in the most difficult times, and we will continue to do so thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team," said Oscar Bravo.

In the selection process, the board of directors determined that the preparation and track record of Terpel's new president, in addition to his vision and deep knowledge of the organization, were the aspects most strongly driving his election as Terpel's leader in this new stage.

The new president's priorities include guaranteeing the continuity of the people-focused corporate strategy; positioning and consolidating the electric mobility, new energy, and complementary business lines; and promoting the organization’s digital transformation.

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