More than one million people in vulnerable conditions receive food donations from Terpel-Abaco partnership

05 May, 2020

  • Terpel and Abaco were able to reach twice their target number of beneficiaries in a single month.
  • In May, they expect to move more than 8,000 tons of food products.
  • Terpel is also implementing other initiatives to benefit truck drivers, taxi drivers, vulnerable population groups, medical staff, migrants, and the educational community through the Terpel Foundation distance learning programs.

After a month of operations, Organización Terpel and Abaco announced they have already transported and donated food products to more than 1,150,000 Colombians in the country’s most vulnerable population groups in 18 Departments across the nation, double their goal for the first 30 days of work.

During this period, they moved more than 8 million kilograms of food products in 114 municipalities, thanks to Terpel’s donation of 4,547 gallons of gasoline and diesel as part of its #JuntosSaldremosAdelante (#GettingThroughThisTogether) campaign.

In May, the initiative will mobilize 8,000 additional tons, benefiting more than 650,000 vulnerable people.

“These difficult times require solidarity and teamwork as a society, to help the groups most affected by the crisis. As a Country Partner, we will continue to accompany and support vulnerable people in Colombia during this time of uncertainty,” indicated Sylvia Escovar, President of Organización Terpel.

Among the population groups most affected by the pandemic that have benefited from this initiative are 26,000 street vendors, hundreds of Embera indigenous people, and 1,050 migrants from Venezuela.

Regarding the scope of this campaign, Juan Carlos Buitrago, Executive Director of Abaco, highlighted, “Our objective in this COVID-19 emergency is to supply food and essential items to the more than 650,000 people served by the 18 food banks assisting 19 of the country’s cities. The historic number of people helped – over 1 million in a month – was possible only because of joint efforts with companies like Terpel, which, through its donation, ensured that the food bank trucks had enough fuel to meet the challenges of the operation required by this emergency.” 

Moving these food products in partnership with Abaco is part of Terpel’s #JuntosSaldremosAdelante campaign, which encompasses different initiatives to support the communities most affected by the pandemic and contribute to efforts to deal with COVID-19 in Colombia.

Terpel is also donating fuel to support the operation by the Civil Air Patrol and Satena to distribute medical equipment, transport COVID-19 test samples, and mobilize healthcare personnel between points around the country.

In addition, Altoque stores are providing hot broth and coffee to go, and facilitating free showers as a way of thanking the truck drivers who have kept up their hard work to keep supplies moving around the country. The company is also working with the Menu Solidario Movement and Rappi to deliver fast food to vulnerable population groups. For each combo meal donated by Altoque users using the Rappi app, Terpel will donate an additional meal.

With the goal of thanking the country’s taxi and motorcycle drivers who provide delivery services, the company is handing out combo meals at Altoque stores and free coffee and water, so drivers can recharge their batteries during a pit stop on the way to their destination.

The company is also supporting the lubricant specialists in the Tesos Terpel and Specialists Club programs at Mobil Lubricants. Lubricant specialists have received a total of 1,600 coupons of three different types: coupons to redeem for money, virtual coupons for groceries, and solidarity coupons for supporting another affiliates who have more pressing needs.

The company also joined the Unidos Somos Más País (Together we are a Greater Country) campaign, promoted by the ANDI, to donate specific resources to the InnspiraMED Initiative. The goal of this initiative is to raise funds to produce 2,000 mechanical ventilators for treating COVID-19 patients.

The Terpel Foundation, on its part, designed a plan to help parents reinforce their children’s skills in mathematics, language arts, and leadership, through the educational content on its social media.

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