Ministry of Science highlights Terpel's work in science, technology, and innovation

  • Terpel confirms its commitment to innovation in benefit of its consumers and the environment with its premium gasoline improvement project.
  • The organization has executed a variety of projects related to new products and process optimization.

The Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation invited companies to submit proposals for investments in scientific, technological, and innovation projects. As a result, it gave recognition to Terpel for its project to improve differentiated fuels, as its helps take care of the environment and encourage innovation as a key element of the business.

The project spotlighted by the Ministry of Science consists of a significant improvement in premium gasoline that increases its combustion capacity. This reduces emissions of polluting gases while guaranteeing the quality of the product across the supply chain. By implementing processes like this one, the company demonstrates its commitment to offer products that are good for both its consumers and the environment.

This project is part of the innovation process Terpel promotes to keep Colombians on the move, regardless of the type of fuel they require. In recent years, the company has installed more than 1,500 solar panels and 5 electric charging stations, and, in 2021, it began providing the electric power for the mass transportation system in Bogota. It also started selling Autogas or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Cartagena, as an alternative way to promote the energy transition.

“We are proud that the Ministry of Science drew attention to our work and our innovative initiatives. People are at the core of our strategy, so we innovate for people, because we believe that’s the path that will keep us socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable," commented Oscar Bravo, President of Organización Terpel.

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