La Fundación Terpel y el Ministerio de Educación entregan un aula interactiva y biblioteca en Providencia

  • Interactive Classrooms is a program of the Terpel Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, which provides an eco-friendly space equipped with technological tools to remote areas of the country to strengthen the learning of children and young people.
  • The new interactive classroom will benefit more than 900 students and 46 teachers from three educational institutions on the island of Providencia: Bomboná, María Inmaculada and Junín.
  • Due to its technology and design, it is an eco-friendly space equipped with solar panels and technological tools so that students and teachers from the most remote areas have permanent access to content and devices, without depending on external energy from the island.

Providencia Island, November 23, 2022. Aware that education is an engine of change for society and under the commitment to be a country ally, the Terpel Foundation, together with the Ministry of National Education, opened an Interactive Classroom on Providencia Island that will benefit more than 900 students and 46 teachers and directors of the Bomboná, María Inmaculada and Junín institutions.

This space is equipped with tablets and augmented reality glasses, among other technological tools, which facilitate the development of innovative and didactic strategies by teachers for their classroom practices. Additionally, it has solar panels for the provision of clean energy, which makes this classroom an eco-friendly and autonomous place in terms of electricity, so that the educational community will have permanent access to its contents and devices.

Due to its technology and design, it is a space that motivates students to take ownership of their pedagogical process and thus develop technological competencies that contribute to closing gaps in the digital education of children in Providencia and Colombia.  

"At the Terpel Foundation we want more and more students to experience the transformative power of education, becoming agents of change in their community and in the country. For this reason, we are proud to deliver, hand in hand with the Ministry of National Education, this new interactive classroom with tools to impact the learning of children and youth in Providencia, as well as contribute to an inclusive and equitable education for all," said Marcela Montoya, executive director of the Foundation.

This interactive space is in addition to the classroom delivered in Cumaribo in July of this year to continue supporting Colombia's compliance with Sustainable Development Goal number 4, "Quality Education", to the extent that it takes into account the needs of the most remote communities, develops training and support processes for teachers and provides solutions for access to quality educational content.

Hernando Bayona Rodríguez, Vice-Minister of Preschool, Basic and Secondary Education, said that "this space provides the necessary tools for students to live in a connected, changing and complex world, which are characteristics of the 21st century. That is why education in the face of such challenges, has to be relevant, flexible and transversal, aspects that this Interactive Classroom aims to implement. This is the opportunity to put our eyes back on the school and make it the epicenter of social and cultural transformation".

Within the interactive classroom, with the Adventure of Letters program, a fully-equipped library was delivered that will promote the development of communication and critical thinking skills thanks to the access provided by the 896 literary and didactic titles.

In 18 years of operation, the Terpel Foundation has benefited more than 1.5 million people and has reached the 32 departments of the country, working to close the educational gaps in Colombia. In 2021, it invested more than $5 billion in the execution of its high-impact programs to improve the quality of education.


About Terpel

Terpel is a company of Colombian origin, tradition and spirit that for more than 50 years has been committed to the country, promoting its development, growing hand in hand with its affiliates and working under a strict policy of ethics and corporate governance.  Its purpose is to promote and mobilize people, companies and the country with the best energy.


It is a leader in distribution and marketing of liquid fuels, NGV and lubricants in Colombia. In 2019 it launched its electric mobility strategy with which it seeks to contribute to the energy transition by offering different recharging alternatives to users to facilitate the migration to electric vehicles. It has a significant presence in Ecuador, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Peru.


In Latin America, its network consists of more than 2,200 service stations. It has 31 supply plants in its country of origin. In the Aviation business, the company leads the market, operating in 21 airports in Colombia; it is also present in 5 airports in the Dominican Republic, 5 in Panama and operates the main airport in Peru. Terpel is the authorized distributor of Mobil lubricants in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.


Terpel is an ally of the country because it promotes the integral development of people, trains its workers, contributes to the well-being of its neighbors and contributes to the future of Colombia with the educational quality programs led by its Foundation for more than 18 years, which have benefited more than one million people. Through excellence and warmth in service, a modern and renovated infrastructure, and competitive prices, Terpel seeks to be the number one brand in the hearts of consumers.

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