Green Pass, Terpel’s new sustainable lubricants program
- Green Pass promotes best practices for lubricant management for MobilTM and Terpel brands at points of sale.
- Through an innovative process for the recovery and transformation of lubricant containers, the certification of distribution points, and bulk sales, the company helps protect and take care of the environment.
Driven by its commitment to be a Country Partner and run a sustainable operation in line with the needs of the environment, Organización Terpel launched Green Pass, its new sustainable lubricants program.
Through the collection and recycling of lubricant containers, bulk sales, and the certification of lube centers and workshops, this project helps protect the environment, create incentives for using best practices, promote innovation in processes, and create a sustainable model for the distribution and management of MobilTM and Terpel lubricants.
Green Pass brings together three initiatives that involve different parts of the lubricant chain.
- Certification of points of sale. This process recognizes points of sale that are outstanding in the implementation of best practices for handling lubricants, customer service, and proper management of both recyclable and hazardous waste products. In the case of used oil, we check to make sure it is delivered to a used oil handler that is approved by the Used Oil Fund, or FAU. Certification is in the form of a seal of excellence awarded by Icontec.
- A strong circular economy based on container collection, recycling, and transformation. Green Pass extends the life cycle of lubricant containers and creates incentives for the correct disposal of lubricant waste products. The aim of the program is to extend the life of the plastic packaging by converting it into something new, such as creepers for mechanics.
- Bulk sales. This refers to selling lubricants without a container in the precise amount a user requires, while guaranteeing safety and product quality. This type of sale is estimated to use 600 fewer quart containers on average per month.
“At Terpel we work to provide our customers with the best lubricants while having the least impact possible on the environment. The Green Pass model gives us a comprehensive approach to the sale and distribution of our products by involving the distributors, points of sale, and consumers, helping us take care of our surroundings," stated Rodrigo Ferreira, Vice President of Lubricants at Organización Terpel.
The program has already certified 142 points of sale, located in cities such as Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena, Cali, Popayan, Pasto, Ibague, Bucaramanga, Pereira, Sogamoso and Villavicencio. In the last six months, close to 5 tons of plastic have been collected and transformed into objects used in the lubrication center operations, such as rolling stools, pallets, and mechanics’ creepers.
The company estimates it will close out the year 2022 with 175 points of sale certified, 18 tons of plastic recovered, and 20 points of sale with a bulk sales system in place.
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