Artists from Pasacaballos make their mark on a Terpel Altoque store

09 Dec, 2021

As part of its commitment to having a positive impact on regional social and economic development, Terpel's Altoque store brand inaugurated a new store in Arjona, Bolivar, and artists from the Pasacaballos community lent their talent to decorating the point of sale.

The duo made up of Eder Trespalacios and Yaneth Ayola designed the mural "Identity" and installed it over a 3-day period at the new convenience store. The mural represents customs, roots, and traditions of the people who live in the region.

“It gives Altoque great satisfaction to display the work of emerging muralists and graffiti artists who live in the regions where we operate. This is a way of connecting with our surroundings and contributing to the development of our host communities by displaying and sharing the talent of our regions with all our consumers," commented Alejandra Londoño, Vice President of Marketing and Convenience Services at Terpel.

Altoque currently has 74 stores across the country. Seventeen of them have been decorated by local artists who have captured magical stories from different regions of the country and recorded them on our walls. By the close of this year we hope to have 15 murals in our network of convenience stores.

This support for the art and creativity of the people of Pasacaballos is on top of Terpel's social work in this municipality. Through the Foundation, Terpel delivered a fully-equipped library to the Pasacaballos public school and organized a variety of volunteer activities and donations in benefit of the inhabitants.

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